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Let’s talk about a common misconception surrounding hypnosis – the belief that when hypnotized, subjects are forced into doing the bidding of the hypnotist, relinquishing their free will. This misunderstanding often stems from portrayals in movies and TV shows.
In my practice, clients frequently arrive with expectations, seeking a quick fix for various challenges like quitting smoking, losing weight, or alleviating anxieties. It's important to understand the diffrence of reality from what we see in the movies, or on TV. Hypnosis is not a magical cure-all, and substantial change requires commitment and motivation. If snapping my fingers and telling them what to do worked every time, I’d dominate the world (evil laughter) 😊
So, what truly happens during hypnosis, and how does this impact your decision to explore this therapeutic avenue? To understand this, we must look deeply into human nature and the inclination to seek easy solutions.
Individuals who desire external forces to make them change often seek the path of least resistance. A vivid example comes from a couple who came into my office a few weeks before Christmas. The wife pointed at her husband, and said to me, "MAKE HIM QUIT SMOKING." When asked if he wanted to quit, his response was a firm "NOPE." This scenario prompts the question – if hypnosis were as portrayed, couldn't I have effortlessly made him quit with a snap of my fingers?
To demystify hypnosis, let's break down key elements often discussed in impressive terms like Guided Meditation, Altered State of Consciousness, Suggestibility and Focus, Brainwave Patterns, Enhanced Relaxation, and Subconscious Influence (what does all of that mean anyways?) – Let’s break this down into something that we all can get a hold of and understand.
Activating the Imagination
In a hypnotic trance, individuals enter an altered state of consciousness, similar to when you are zoning out or daydreaming. Physically present but mentally miles away, this state unlocks the imagination. Imagine holding a lemon, cut in half, with sticky juice dripping down onto your left hand (really picture this in your mind). Now, imagine putting it in your mouth, biting down, and tasting the lemon – what does it taste like? Sweet or Sour? Focusing on this taste triggers a sensory response, even if your conscious mind knows it's not real. The Imagination does not care if it is real or not, this is very important to understand.
Gaining Control of Emotions and Feelings
Emotions and urges govern us, making the prospect of unbridled emotional expression kind of scary. Guarding our emotions stems from the fear of manipulation – a force ingrained in us since childhood. Over 90% of my stop-smoking clients started smoking because of peer pressure. Didn't you?
When imagination, emotional control, and motivation converge, a powerful force for inducing change emerges. However, motivation is the linchpin. Without a genuine desire for transformation, resistance becomes a formidable obstacle.
Returning to the couple in my office, the husband reluctantly participated, motivated by the desire to appease his wife. Alone in the session, I confirmed his reluctance and devised a strategy aligned with his underlying motivation – quitting smoking for the sake of enhancing his relationship. If I had not found something that truly motivated him, I would have far less chance of gaining control of his emotional intelligence, and he would have just walked out of the office explaining to his wife that his mind was too powerful and I could not hypnotize him, but he would tell her that he tried 👍.
In the end, the husband did quit smoking. The success for this couple was not in focusing on smoking cessation but in finding out what truly motivated him. What my client really wanted was to keep a happy relationship with his wife, especially with her parents coming for Christmas! In this example, you can see that hypnosis, not a magical power, did work as a tool that provided a positive change.
A powerful hypnotic session involves many unique elements extending beyond the reason for the session itself. Every individual I work with is unique, and the unique motivations for quitting smoking can vary from person to person. As a skilled hypnotist, I approach each client and focus on their specific needs, creating a more substantial impact and a higher rate of success then just putting everyone through the same pre-written script.
In conclusion, understanding how to motivate people really is the to change is the key. This is not magic, even though many of my clients would argue this statement, it is more of a learned and understood process that triggers a person’s inner strengths, leverages their motivations, and gives individuals tools to get them what they really want.
When you are ready to quit smoking, perhaps through hypnosis, remember this I have a program that is tailored to you, paving the way to get you what you want - a more empowered and healthy life.
Watch Video - Paul Quit Smoking over 4 years ago!
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Happy non-smokers love working with Scott
"For years I struggled to quit smoking. Nothing was working, so I decided to go see Scott and see if hypnosis would work.
I am happy to say I am a non smoker and have been for over 8 years! I never touched another cigarette after that one session and had no desire. It was the best decision I ever made! I highly recommend Scott for anyone who wants to quit smoking."
"After trying to quit several times, without much luck, my sister told me that she finally stopped smoking at one of Scott's hypnosis workshops.
I found The Stop Smoking Guy online and gave it a try - WOW IT WORKED! I have now been smoke free with no cravings for over 2 years now."
"I admit I was skeptical when I walked it to see you but here I am 6 years later and I haven't touched a cigarette since!! You changed my life forever!"
The Stop Smoking Guy specializes in helping people quit smoking in the greater Vancouver area. Founded by hypnotist Scott Christie in 2012
© 2023 The Stop Smoking Guy.
Langley, BC
Burnaby, BC
North Vancouver, BC
Worldwide locations via Zoom
scott@ (at)
Call or text: 604-200-8388